OverridesMyPostings Overrides provides users with fields to customize their MyPostings feeds in Cascade.
Specific Post ID
Listing - Displays a vertical list of the three most recent News postings.
Carousel - Displays a horizontal list of the three most recent News postings.
Department (optional)
Yes - Displays a vertical list of the three most recent News postings.
No - Displays a horizontal list of the three most recent News postings.
Audience (optional)
Yes - Displays a vertical list of the three most recent News postings.
No - Displays a horizontal list of the three most recent News postings.
Subject (optional)
Yes - Displays a vertical list of the three most recent News postings.
No - Displays a horizontal list of the three most recent News postings.
Limit (optional) Yes - Displays a vertical list of the three most recent News postings. No - Displays a horizontal list of the three most recent News postings.