System maintenance regular tasks
Make sure patron files automatically load in Sierra
Make sure patron records complete from load (add pop up for Make sure record has barcode)
Delete expired patrons
Suppress/unsuppress records for reserves
Process Marcive files
Monitor record limits
Monitor circuit link for backups
Change managementSierra functions: Create Lists, Global Update, Data Exchange, Admin Corner
Review new patron records for incomplete info; add pop up in records for missing info
Delete expired patrons (terminated patron file provided by ITS). Work with Access Services in Copley, LRC and satellite branches to resolve any outstanding patron issues (fines, items out, etc).
Review new item records put on reserves; suppress or unsuppress records from the catalog as needed.
Search for new catalog records from Copley and LRC, output MARC to send to Marcive.
Load newly processed Marcive records in to the catalog
Periodically check: Sierra record limits, Circuit link, suspicious access attempts by IP address, create list usage
Change management
Sierra functions: Circulation parameters, Rules for Requesting, Sierra admin accounts and permissions.
Changes/additions to loan rules, email or print notices - eg:
Adding new loan rules for Retired Staff and Emeritus Faculty for Copley Library
Customizing hold pick up notices for curbside pickup and home delivery services
Making reserve items at both Copley and LRC requestable while in person usage is limited
Globally updating due dates when needed
New patron types, locations, item types, eg.
Add new locations following Copley renovation
Adding new location for Academic Success materials being incorporated in to LRC
Updates to requestable items via OPAC
Work with III to turn all requests on/off during library closure
Update configuration for specific items that should or should not be available
Add and update Sierra user accounts and permissions
Usually just 1-2 of these per month. Involves copying existing permissions from another user.
Any new custom codes for PCODE, ICODE, BCODEfor fixed fields in Sierra (eg: Retired Staff patron type; OPAC message for OFF-SITE storage, etc)
Custom new record templates Load profiles
These are mostly generated for our satellite locations like Media Services, ATS Labs, Creative Zone, who have limited permissions in Sierra.
Load profile maintenance (these are rarely updated):
Updated to ensure EZproxy info is added to new electronic records being added
Enterprise Applications processesrelated
Loading patron file in to Sierra
Working with EA when there are issues with our automatic patron load
Generating patron barcodes
Provide usable barcodes to EA to assign to patron accounts
Student fines to Ann/Student accounts
Developing script to automate current patron fines process
Authentication issues/USDOne
Work with with ITS, libraries when users experiencing login issues with any library databases
Scripts/programs - Bryan
Iron Mountain requests script (outgoing)
Work with Bryan Teague to develop query of Sierra database identifying hold requests on off-site items
Iron Mountain daily report on NEW/RFL/WTF
Work with Bryan Teague to develop query tracking inventory updates between IM and Copley
Vendor tickets
System down, Bugs, issues, questions
System upgrades