OverridesThe Overrides section offers four more fields to further filter which MyPostings items to pull. To find a specific MyPostings ID, visit the MyPostings IDs page. If you do not see the ID you're looking for on that page, you can submit a web request at http://www.sandiego.edu/web-requests to inquire.
Destination(s) Use only MyPostings that were flagged to appear in a specific destination or destinations. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma, but with no spaces.
Audience(s) Use only MyPostings that were flagged to appear for a specific audience or audiences. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma, but with no spaces.
Subject(s) Use only MyPostings that were flagged to appear under a specific subject or subjects. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma, but with no spaces.
How many posts to show? By default, any MyPostings feed will display up to 5 posts that fall within any of the above specified criteria. Listing any number in this field other than 5 or leaving it blank will adjust the default to the new specified number. If there are not enough posts within the specified criteria to meet the default or minimum number of posts to show, the feed simply shows only the available number.