OverridesThe Overrides section offers four more fields to further filter which MyPostings items to pull. To find a specific MyPostings ID, visit the MyPostings IDs page. If you do not see the ID you're looking for on that page, you can submit a web request at http://www.sandiego.edu/web-requests to inquire. Destination(s) Use only MyPostings that were flagged to appear in a specific destination or destinations. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma, but with no spaces. Audience(s) Use only MyPostings that were flagged to appear for a specific audience or audiences. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma, but with no spaces. Subject(s) Use only MyPostings that were flagged to appear under a specific subject or subjects. Multiple IDs must be separated with a comma, but with no spaces. See More URLCreates a link for users to click which opens a new browser tab for them and displays the URL you list in this field.