- Holdings as represented in FTF - accurate for Copley's holdings. Would not include LRC's
- Is this problematic? To what extent would LRC's holdings necessitate a link resolver? Link Resolver comes in to play when user is searching one database and needs to become aware of content which library owns that is INDEXED in first database but only available full text in another.
- Would it be feasible for LRC holdings to be included?
- FTF landing page would need updating with
- Options for ways to access full text
- Options for ways to obtain full text if library doesn't subscribe
- GetItNow
- Search library catalog
- Search other resources (if desired)
- Contact the library for assistance
- Appropriate branding for USD
- Resources currently linking to WebBridge that would need to be changed/updated
- PubMed
- Google Scholar
- SallyPro
- EBSCOhost
- Check for others - many more are listed in WebBridge config, but likely outdated or not used.
To do:
- Update text on GetItNow link - get text from Alex as to what the wording should be.
- Contact information