Everything documented below is supplementary to the original MyPostings documentation, and is specific to MyPostings form choices for the School of Business.
USD in the News
USD in the News allows each item to be connected with a media outlet and faculty expert for added visibility. To add these two components to a post, prepare a USD in the News item as you would normally do and then add the following:
Media Outlet
Under the Media section of the posting form, go the Thumbnail field
The first time that you add a new media outlet logo:
Attach the media outlet image
Add thumbnail description/alt text such as ‘eagle and times logo’
Once post is submitted, save the URL of each outlet logo in a personal text file (e.g. Google docs)
On subsequent postings from that same media outlet, do the following
Locate Link to an existing image from your saved URLs in previous step
Copy and paste the URL of the appropriate media outlet from your personal text file into the “Link to an existing thumbnail” field
Under the Web Addresses section of the posting form, go to the More Info field
Make sure URL is the type of address selected
Enter the URL of the media outlet beginning with https:// (e.g. https://www.imperialbeachnewsca.com/)
Click Submit
Faculty Expert
Go to the USD directory and search for the faculty expert you need to add to your post
For example, searching for Matt Zwolinski brings up his profile
Right click on the faculty profile image and select Copy Image Address. This will save the profile’s image URL temporarily to your computer
Back in the MyPostings form under the Media section of the posting form, go to the Image field
Paste the URL to the profile’s image URL that you saved in the previous step into the “Link to an existing image” field
For the Image description/alt text, add the professor’s name and title, e.g. Matt Zwolinski, Professor
Ensure that Use as caption? is set to Yes
Under the Web Addresses section of the posting form, go to the Webcast URL field
Enter in the profile URL for the faculty member (e.g. http://www.sandiego.edu/directory/biography.php?profile_id=141)
Items submitted with display on the Business Insights by USD Business Faculty page.
Add an Item
Start a regular MyPostings News Item
Be sure to select the department of the area you want to highlight. The following are the departments available for display on the Faculty Research page:
Business Analytics
International Business (currently Ahlers)
Real Estate (currently Burnham-Moores)
Supply Chain (currently Supply Chain Management Institute)
Add your content as you would normally do for the body/specifics of the post.
Under Filters → School of Business select Faculty Research.
Faculty Biographies
The ‘detail page’ of the faculty research posts can show up to 2 faculty members affiliated with the research. To post their pictures and a brief biography, do the following:
Faculty Member 1
Image field: post headshot 1
Image description alt: post a brief biography
Faculty Member 2
Top Story/Hero Image: post headshot 2
Image caption alt: post a brief biography
NOTE: The thumbnail field should be used for the ‘main’ article image and will display on the faculty research landing page.
Submit Your Item
Approval status: if you are ready to publish this item, click Yes (approved).
Submit your post.