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SOLES Program Finder Database Front-End

Users can see the SOLES Program Finder front-end at

Accessing the SOLES Program Finder in the Manage Area

Access the SOLES Program Finder database by going to


Nodes are the individual links, represented by a sentence, which users click on to continue their path down the Program Finder.

In the Manager screenshot to the immediate right, the The tree path for a particular node is outlined in red. The top outline  The root of the tree is the Program Finder landing page. The second outlined option . The next red box is the first option in branch of the tree, which means it's "I want to be a teacher." This means that it will be the first option on the front-end page. It is outlined You may view this in the top screenshot on the far right.When upper right screenshot.

On the front-end, when a user clicks this option, it takes them to that page, and the next step in their path.

The third and final outlined node is the second child of the first node. This means it's the second link on the subsequent page. It is outlined on the bottom screenshot to the far right.

Because that node That node is a destination page because it has no children child nodes underneath it, when . When a user clicks it on the front-end, it will take them to their final destination in the Program Finder, which . The destination page is always the actual application page for that particular program.

In the Program Finder, there are two kinds of pages: Link pages and terminal and destination pages.

  • Link Pages: Link pages contain one or more links which the users decided between. Whichever link they choose, the user will be directed to another page which may be another link page or a terminal destination page.
  • Terminal Destination Pages: Terminal  Destination pages contain detailed content about the specific program to which they've navigated.

Navigation and Update Sections

There are two separate sections of the Program Finder Manager. The top section is the Navigation section. It allows you to select a "node" from an expansive tree of node options.

Once a node is selected, the Update section populates with data from that node. Altering any of that data will allow you to update that particular node.

Adding a New Node

Select the parent node you wish to add a new child node under, then click the + Add Child Node button.

The tool will create a new node named "New node," which will automatically be selected.

The Update section will display the following fields:

  • Link Title: The text which displays on the node in the Manager, and on the link on the front-end. By default, on a new node, this will read, "New node."
  • Page Title (Max. characters allowed: 255): Text  Used only on destination pages. Text which displays on the top of the front-end page. If the page title is used at all, it will override the link title. However, the link title will always be used as the link text.
  • Page Text: The detailed text that displays on terminal on destination pages.
  • URL (Include http:// or https://): The page to which the button links the user. Used only on link pages. This option is only used for links that will open a page outside of the Program Finder. For instance, the second option on this page for, "I am a teacher interested in further developing my skills."

Click the Save button once your edits are complete.

Updating an Entry

Select a node. That node's fields will display in the Update section.

Edit the fields in the Update section.

Click the Save button once your edits are complete.

Moving a Node

Drag and drop any node to move it.

While dragging, the Manager will display a small line with a circle on the left to help guide where the node will appear when dropped.

Always double-check the front-end to make sure your changes were made correctly.

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Deleting a Node

Deleting a node will delete any child nodes beneath it.

Select the node to delete and click the X Delete Node button.

Your browser will have a popup appear.

Select OK to confirm the node deletion.


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