MyPostings Documentation
Visit the MyPostings training materials for complete MyPostings documentation.
The School of Law is launching two new MyPostings sites. News and events.
Filters: Posting Location
The School of Law has specific filters for posting location, audience, and subjects.
Posting Location adds your feed to different filters that users may select. Please select all applicable filters for your specific post.
By default, the option for Departmental News and Events should nearly always remain selected.
Filters: Audience
The following audience tags are available for Law:
- Law
- Law: All Students
- Law: Grad Students
- Law: JD Students
Marking the "Law" audience will assist with users using the general USD News and Events Center to find Law-related posts.
Note that marking a post as important to a specific audience does NOT prevent any users from self-selecting to view posts from that category. I.e., this does not "hide" anything.
Filters: Subjects
Adding subject filters to your article will allow your post to appear on the corresponding front-end category.
- Law: Academics
- Law: Alumni
- Law: Changemaker
- Law: Conferences and Workshops
- Law: Faculty and Staff
- Law: Research and Scholarship
- Law: Student Spotlights
Filter by Active Status
Rather than deleting, an entry can be set to inactive which will hide it from displaying on the live site.
To filter by active status, click on the Active dropdown and select Yes for currently active organizations, No for currently inactive organizations, or All to display all organizations regardless of their active status.
Deleting an Entry
To permanently remove an entry from the system, click the rubbish bin icon to the right of the entry.
Editing an Organization
Form Fields
The Student Organizations form has the following fields:
Active: Sets the current entry to active or inactive. Inactive entries are not displayed on the live site, but their data is still saved in the system.
Organization name: The name of the organization.
Content: The organization's description. May include links. The system uses a text module very similar to Cascade's.
Office: The organization's office location.
Web pages: A link to the organization's web page.
Organization Contact(s): The point-of-contact for the organization and their email address.
Create group: Clicking this link will add more fields to the entry and allow for adding and removing groups from it.
Activity Log: A change log which details the most recent changes, the user that made them, and what was changed.
Saving and Publishing Changes
Click the Update button to save and published changes to the live website.