System maintenance regular tasks
Make sure patron files automatically load in Sierra
Make sure patron records complete from load (add pop up for Make sure record has barcode)
Delete expired patrons
Suppress/unsuppress records for reserves
Process Marcive files
Monitor record limits
Monitor circuit link for backups
Changes management
Changes/additions to loan rules, email or print notices
New patron types, locations, item types
Updates to requestable items via OPAC
Add and update Sierra user accounts and permissions
Any new custom codes for PCODE, ICODE, BCODE
Custom new record templates
Load profiles
Enterprise Applications processes
Loading patron file in to Sierra
Generating patron barcodes
Student fines to Ann/Student accounts
Authentication issues/USDOne
Scripts/programs - Bryan
Iron Mountain requests script (outgoing)
Iron Mountain daily report on NEW/RFL/WTF
Vendor tickets
System down, Bugs, issues, questions
System upgrades
Vendor info
Innovative Interfaces - Sierra/Encore
Ares Course Reserves
Stack map