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MyPostings Modules

A MyPostings Module only displays your site's or page's MyPostings feed. Visit the MyPostings documentation for how to create a posting in the MyPostings system.

A MyPostings module pulls news or events from the on-campus news events system, MyPostings. The only items that will be pulled into the module are items associated with your department in the system. Each site is associated with a MyPostings ID. If you feel at any time that your MyPostings modules are pulling the wrong items, please submit a ticket to

MyPostings Examples.

A MyPostings module has the following fields:


News - Displays MyPostings for your site in the news feed.

Events - Displays MyPostings for your site in the events feed.

Spotlight - Displays MyPostings for your site that were marked as spotlights.

Blog - Displays MyPostings for your site that were marked as blogs.

Display Style
(this does not apply to Events)

Listing - Displays a vertical list of the three most recent News postings.

Carousel - Displays a horizontal list of the three most recent News postings.

Show Thumbnails?

Yes - Displays images for the entires.

No - Displays only text.

Display Range

By Year - Defaults to showing only the most recent postings.

By Specified Date Range - Displays postings with publication-to-expiration date ranges that fall within the ranges specified.

Start Date for Range

If By Specified Date Range is selected, then this field will display and users can select a specific date for the start range of the feed.

End Date for Range

If By Specified Date Range is selected, then this field will display and users can select a specific date for the end range of the feed.


The News option is used to display combinations of images and text.

The option for Show Thumbnails must be set to Yes in order to display associated images.

News Carousel

News with Thumbnails

News without Thumbnails


Events display text-heavy information panels organized by date.

MyPostings Spotlights

Spotlight highlights features with an emphasis on an image or video and a small amount of text.


MyPostings Overrides provides users with fields to customize their MyPostings feeds in Cascade.

Specific Post ID (optional)

Displays post(s) with only the specified 5-digit ID number(s). Multiple posts can be listed by separating the IDs with commas.

Example: 15045,15432,16763

Department (optional)

Displays posts from only the specified department. Multiple departments can be listed by separating the IDs with commas.

Example: 15,38,96

Destination (optional)

Displays posts from only specified destinations ("where to post" in the MyPostings form). Multiple destinations can be listed by separating the IDs with commas.

Example: 125,127,143

Audience (optional)

Displays posts meant only for a specific audience. Multiple audiences can be listed by separating the IDs with commas.

Example: 1,3,8

Subject (optional)

Places a subject lead above the MyPostings feed.

Example: This Semester's Schedule

Limit (optional)

By default, a MyPostings feed displays only the three most relevant entries. Use this field to change that default number.

Example: 5