Version Control

Version Control

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Version Control

Version Control automatically stores previous asset versions every time an asset is changed. This allows current files to be reverted to previous iterations.

On the Asset Action Menu, click More > Versions.

The webpage will reload and the Version Control Detail Page displays.

The Last Modified DateLast Modified By, and Comments (if any) are listed on the Version Control Detail Page.  Click the asset name for a previous version to view it.

The page displays in Layout View and an additional View Menu displays.

After selecting one of the previous versions, the Past Versions Options in the screenshot below appear.

  • Restore (the back icon) the version. When Activate is clicked, the activated version will replace the current active version of the asset. Activating an older version of an asset will create another version of the asset that was just replaced.

    • If you restore a version, it will be an immediate change in Cascade but you will need to wait until the asset publishes again before it goes "live." If you revert back to a previous version, it does not require workflow as it was already approved and published. You can request an expedited publish via our online request form, otherwise it will publish the next day (all sites automatically publish every 24 hours, starting at midnight).

  • Compare (the eye-con, HA!) the selected version of the asset with the current active version of the asset. When Compare with Current is active, the following colors are used:

    • Red Highlights with Strikethrough: Text that has been removed.

    • Green Highlights: Text that has been added.

    • Purple Highlights: Link that has been changed for highlighted text.

  • Delete the version of the asset. This action should not be used.

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