Cascade Server: In-Context Editing

Cascade Server: In-Context Editing

Cascade Server allow you to edits the content on your pages “in context.” What this means is that particular regions of content can be edited directly from the View mode as opposed to having to go through the Edit mode process. It allows for quicker editing by saving you several clicks, and will also allow you to preview your changes before you submit them into workflow.

  1. You will now be presented with a pencil icon (highlighted in a red circle) for every editable region that your role has access to. 


  2. Simply click on the pencil icon for the region you’d like to edit, make your changes in the pop-up window that appears.


  3. Click Update, and preview your changes.

  4. If your happy with your changes, click Submit Draft at the top of the page to send the page through workflow. If not, click the pencil again for the area you want to edit.