In the Page Editor, place your cursor in the Content Editor where the link to the image will appear. Then, click the Add Media button. The Media Library Screen will display. Click the Upload Files button. Drag and drop your document file onto the page, or click the Select Files button. Your computer's Finder or Explorer window will display. Use your computer's Finder or Explorer window to select the appropriate file. This will upload the document to the WordPress server and return you to the Media Library Screen. Once uploaded, the most recently uploaded file will be selected automatically. Make sure to select the specific document or documents to insert onto the page. After being selected and having the alt text entered, click the Insert Into Page button. Confirm that the correct document link is in the correct location on the page. To modify the link text, move your cursor inside of either of the characters on the far right or far left of the link text, type out the correct link text, and then delete any additional characters left over from the old text. When all of your changes are complete, click the Update button.Step 1: Click the Add Media Button
Step 2: Click Upload Files
Step 3: Click Select Files
Step 4: Select the Image
Step 5: Select the Document
Step 6: Click Insert Into Page Button
Step 7: Confirm the Document Link Placement
Step 8: Click the Update Button