Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Only Content Approvers and those with higher permission levels can publish directly to the website.   Content Contributors should contact their assigned Content Approver for publishing needs. If you maintain a site for which there is no Content Approver, submit a ticket to to request that your site be published after a navigation change or other action that requires publishingOtherwise the entire USD website publishes daily at midnight, allowing navigation changes and other edits that require a publish to go live.

Site Publishing

In the Explorer, click on the desired asset, then click the Publish button in the Action Bar.


The Modifier Pane displays the Publish Window.

Leave all the defaults selected and click Submit.

The screen will refresh and a notification displays at the top of the window.

See the Publish Queue section below for how to view what's currently publishing.

Publish Queue

Publishing an entire site takes much longer than publishing any individual page or most other folders. To view everything currently publishing or queued for publishing, click the link for "View publish queue" in the publish successful notification.

Alternatively, click the hamburger menu in the top right and the Slider Pane displays.

Click on Publish Queue, and the publish queue will display in the Workspace.