To the right is an example of the front-end (live website) faculty template. The image to the right outlines the different areas of the page. The WordPress Admin Bar appears along the top of every WordPress site allowing for quick access to editing. The USD Global Header is standard on all USD operated domains. The header should also act as a reminder to keep all content up to the level of USD standards as well as maintaining accessibility standards. The banner is the large image running across all pages in the site. The site title appears in the banner on every page with the site's tagline directly below it. The menu is sometimes referred to as the top navigation, the top nav, or simply, the nav. To learn how to modify the menu, see the lesson on How to Modify the Navigation. This is the top section of the page and can be set to display optional content. By default, the faculty template does not display anything here. This is the main content section of the page. The side panel can include the contact panel and/or the quick links panel. The side panel does not have to be used, as is the case with a full-width page layout. The quick links panel is an option for displaying important links you may want for users to easily spot on your site. Footers appear on the bottom of the page.Overview
Page Sections
WordPress Admin Bar
USD Global Header
Site Title and Tagline
Page Header
Right Side Panel
Quick Links