Step 1: Add Image
In the Tool Pane, hover over the Media option to make the shortcut menu appear, then select the Add New option.
Step 2: Upload Files
Click the Select Files button.
Step 3: Select the Image
Use your computer's Finder or Explorer window to select the appropriate image. This will upload the image to the Wordpress server and add the image to the bottom of the Add New screen.
Step 4: Edit the Image
Once uploaded, select the specific image to edit by clicking the Edit button next to it.
Step 5: Add Alt Text for Accessibility
While editing the image, add alt text into the Alternative Text field for accessibility.
Then, click the Update button to save the change. This will not navigate away from the image editor.
Step 6: Copy the Image's URL
Click into and select all of the data in the File URL field.
Copy that data by using the keyboard shortcut Control + C on a PC, or Command + C on a Mac. You can also right-click and select Copy from the shortcut menu.
This will copy the URL onto your computer's clipboard.
Step 7: Hover Over the Appearance Option
In the Tool Pane, hover over the Appearance option to make the shortcut menu appear, then select the Widgets option.
Step 8: Access the Contact Information Panel
Under the Main Sidebar area, click the dropdown for Text: Contact Information.
Step 9: Insert the Copied URL
Highlight the default URL in the image reference code.
Do not remove any of the extra code. You should replace only the URL within the quotation marks.