Anchors 2.0

Use Anchors when you have a lot of content on a page and would like the visitors to be able to skip to certain sections of content without having to scroll down and search for it.

There are two methods described below, but you will likely want to use the “scroll--to” option #1 method (depending on the components you are using, you may need to use option #2 mentioned further below).

How to Add an Anchor to a Page

Option #1 - Using the “Share This” Scroll--To Feature

In various components, there is a “Unique ID for Share This” field. This field basically acts as an anchor field, and when used in a URL, it will scroll to the beginning of the component.

Components that have the “Unique ID for Share This” field include…

  • Billboard

  • Container

  • Content Explorer

  • Text

Step 1) Add your anchor text to that “Unique ID for Share This” field in the desired component.


Step 2) Once the page has published with your “Share This” anchors, you would then use the “--scroll-to” method (described below).

Note: you would add your anchor to the end of the URL, and then add two dashes, followed by scroll-to.

Using the --scroll-to method:

Option #2 - Using the Anchor Button

Step 1) To add an anchor to a page, first place your cursor at the location on the page where you would like to place the anchor and then click the Anchor icon. The Insert/Edit Anchor dialog displays.


Step 2) Enter the Anchor Name in the text box and click Insert to add the anchor. Remember to use good naming conventions for anchors, too. No spaces or special characters should be used.


Step 3) Once the page has published with your anchor, you would then append your anchor to the end of the URL.

In this case, if your anchor was “students”…


Your Anchor URL:

This details how to link to your anchor, using the “--scroll-to” method.

Once the page has published with your “Share This” anchors, you would then use the “--scroll-to” method (shown on the right).

Note: you would add your anchor to the end of the URL, and then add two dashes, followed by scroll-to.

The --scroll-to method:


This details how to link to your anchor, using the anchor option #2 that is mentioned above.

Linking to an Anchor on the Same Page

When the anchor is on the same page as the anchor link, add the anchor name to the Anchor Field.

Do not add the hashmark (#) in the Anchor field.


Linking to an Anchor on a Different Page

When the anchor is on a different page, choose your Hyperlink Option and then add the name of the anchor to the Anchor Field.


Accordions and Tabs - Publicly Accessible Share URLs (Information Pending)