Table of Contents
Reordering Navigation
Follow the steps below to move navigation entries.
STEP 2: Select Site
Select the website to edit by using the Site Selector.
The Site Selector field works as both a dropdown list and a search bar.
STEP 3: Select the Desired Display in Navigation Option
See instructions on how to change an asset's Display in Navigation.
Reordering a page whose Display in Navigation option is set to No will not make it display.
STEP 4: Select the Containing Folder
Select the folder which contains the folder(s) and/or webpage(s) to reorder in the navigation by clicking the Folder Select Arrow next to it in the Explorer.
Cascade remembers previous user sessions. Even if a page or other asset is highlighted, it may not actually be selected. Always make sure to select the correct asset.
In the screenshot to the right, to reorder any of the folders in the training site, the base folder for _training2015 was selected, and its contents displayed in the Workspace.
STEP 5: Click Order to Sort
Click the Column Header titled Order to sort the contents of the selected asset by order in which it appears in the navigation.
In the screenshot to the right, notice that the numbers ascend correctly now as opposed to before sorting by Order.
STEP 6: Drag and Drop to Reorder
Hover the cursor over the names of any assets in the Name Column. The cursor will change into a hand icon.
Click to "grab" a specific asset.
Drag and drop to reorder.
ALTERNATE STEP 6: Select and Reorder
Alternatively, you can also check the select box for the desired asset to move, and then use the move icons to change its relative position.
STEP 7: Submit a Ticket to the Web Team to Publish
The last step involves requesting that the dangerously charismatic web team republish the asset's containing folder by submitting a ticket to
The site will require that you include the URL for the page or site that needs to be republished.