CS V Metadata for IMConnect
Log into IMConnect
Click on Records Management
Click on Search Tools and select Advanced Search
At the bottom of the Advanced Search screen choose
Field = File Description 8
Rule = is blank
Click on Search
Click on Export and choose Export Current Fields to csv file, creates a zip file
Open zip file and change name of SearchResults_FilesReport_06132019156 to 2019???? Metadata_?.txt
Move the file to the NHD folder
In excel open the txt file (Delimited by comma)
Copy 50,000ish barcodes from Column C to a new file and save as csv file
Use the Convert Barcodes to Item Records
In Sierra Import to Create Lists and Dedup
Export using saved export to txt file 20190612 Metadata Detail.txt
In Excel use delimited ~ and UTF-8
Filter and check all data is in appropriate column - DO NOT SAVE IN BETWEEN
Find and remove any dup call numbers and bib numbers (from linking or double call numbers in bib) search for “
In 245ab field remove commas, single and double quotes, \ /
Copy Titles to a new XMLS and add Module and run script: StripAccent(A2) and copy to bottom of titles
Copley Titles form XMLS to original txt file replacing the current title column (Special Paste values)
Save as csv file
Open csv and spot check titles
Send csv to IM
Major = Barcode
Minor = Call Number
Field 3 = Volume
Field 4 = Title
Field 8 = OCLC#
Field 9 = Bib Number