

The MyPostings System is a database that contains news and events that are displayed throughout the USD website. This is a web-based application accessible at the following location: http://www.sandiego.edu/mypostings

Please note that in order to post items to your departmental home page, you must have News/Events modules on your landing page. Please see the Engineering Programs website at http://www.sandiego.edu/engineering for an example.

If you would like News/Events modules added to your departmental home page, please send an email to mypostings@sandiego.edu with your department’s web address (URL).

Logging In

In your browser, go to http://www.sandiego.edu/mypostings. You can log into the system using your MySanDiego username and password.

The Form

Immediately after logging in you will see a form where you can begin adding your new post. This document will walk you through each step of the form.

General Information

This section of the form captures basic information such as the type of post, title of the post, and what department(s) websites you’d like the post to appear on.


Specify whether your post is an event, news, or award/grant. This field is required. The following categories are available, the most common being Event or News.

  • Announcement

    • Only the following sites currently use this category

      • School of Engineering

      • School of Law

      • School of Law Work Study Postings

  • Award or Grant

    • USD

  • Blog Entry

    • CAS

    • School of Business

    • School of Peace Studies

    • USD Departments

      • University Ministry

  • CTA

    • This stands for Call to Action

    • This is a special highlight area set up on a case-by-case basis by University Web Services

    • Only the following sites use this category

      • USD home

      • Undergraduate Admissions

      • Graduate Admissions

  • Event

  • Hero

    • This is the most prominent feature area on your website landing page, usually in the form of a rotator.

    • Only the following sites currently use this category

      • USD home

      • Undergraduate Admissions

      • Graduate Admissions

  • News

  • Press Release

    • USD

    • School of Law

  • Spotlight

    • This is a special highlight area set up on a case-by-case basis by University Web Services

    • Only the following sites currently use this category

      • USD home

      • Undergraduate Admissions

      • Graduate Admissions

      • School of Business Administration

      • School of Law

      • SOLES

If you would like to have your site updated to use some of the restricted fields above, email mypostings@sandiego.edu for a consulation.


Give your post a short, but descriptive, title. This is what will be displayed as the headline on the website. You are limited to 140 characters. This field is required.

Example news title: "USD Maintains No. 2 Study Abroad Ranking"


Use this if your post has a subtitle (2nd title). 

Example news subtitle, goes with above example title: "Study abroad program continues success" 


Currently this is only used for the main USD site (USD home page, News Center), and on some Law web pages.

Call to Action (URL)

If this post is used as a feature on a website landing page, use the call to action (CTA) field to provide a destination URL if the user clicks on the feature.


Currently this is only used for the main USD home page. On a case-by-case basis, and with consultation, it can be added to other sites. Contact mypostings@sandiego.edu for information.

Call to Action is Video?

If the Call to Action above is populated, and that CTA is a video URL then toggle this field to Yes so that your video shows in a lightbox instead of redirecting your users to another page.


Currently this is only used for the main USD home page. On a case-by-case basis, and with consultation, it can be added to other sites. Contact mypostings@sandiego.edu for information.

Department Website(s)

List your department and any additional departments where the post should appear. You should receive approval from these other areas prior to posting your item on other department sites. This field is required, you must select a minimum of one.

You can add additional departments by clicking on the plus (+) sign until you have the number of department drop-downs you need.

You can also specify whether or not you want your post to be a landing page feature for each department you select.


You can add as many sponsors if you like. Click the plus (+) sign underneath the dropdown to add additional select lists.

Publish and Expiration Dates

You will need to select a start date (publish) and an ending date (expiration) for your post. Department websites use this to determine when to begin and stop showing your item. Your post will display beginning on your publish date and automatically come down on the expiration date you choose. If your post is an event, it will automatically come down after the event has passed. You can post-date news items as far into the future as you would like.

Publish Date

Enter the date you would like your post to begin appearing on the website. This field is required. This field defaults to today’s date, but you can change the date by clicking in the field and utilizing the pop-up calendar that appears to select a different date in the future.

Expiration Date

Enter the date you would like your post to be removed from department landing pages. This field is required. If your post is an event, the expiration date should not be later than the date your event ends. Like the publish date, this field also contains a pop-up calendar for selecting your date.

If your post is a news item, and you do not add an expiration date, it will default to the publish date.
If your post is an event, and you do not add an expiration date, it will default to the event end date. 

Event Information

This section will only appear if you selected “Event” as your post type in the first section of this form. If your post is not an event, you can skip this section.


If your post has an associated cost or fee for attendees, then specify it here. You can leave it blank if there is no cost, or type in “No cost.”

Is This a Single / Multi-Date or Range Event?

Select the radial button that matches your event. If the event takes place on only a single day, leave the selection as on Single / Multi-Date.

Singe / Multi-Date: Use for events occurring on only a single date, or that span non-contiguous dates. E.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Range: Use only for events that occur on more than one date, where all the dates on which it occurs are contiguous. E.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Event Start and End Dates

Pop-up calendars will appear when you click into either of these two fields.

Event Start and End Times

Use the pop-up time tool, which appears when you click in either of the two time fields, to choose a starting and ending time. If it is an all-day event, you do not need to specify starting and ending times.

Single / Multi-Date

Clicking the + Add date button will add additional date and time fields to stipulate non-contiguous dates.

Click the remove date link to remove a section of fields if necessary.


Selecting the Range option will present only Start Date and an End Date fields. All dates within this range will have the same Start Time and End Time for all dates within the specified range.

Event Start and End Times

Use the pop-up time tool, which appears when you click in either of the two time fields, to choose a starting and ending time. If it is an all-day event, you do not need to specify starting and ending times.


Your event location can either be specified as on-campus or off-campus. If you choose “on-campus,” two additional fields will appear. One will be a dropdown containing the buildings and areas on campus. The second will be a field to enter a room number or space (such as “outside”). Please choose a campus building or area, but you can leave the room number/space blank if it does not apply.

If you choose “off-campus,” one new field will appear. Enter the address or details about the location of your off-campus event here.

Public Contact Information

All posts must have public contact information. This should be the name, email, and phone number of an employee or representative that the general public can call for more information about the post. You can select either a faculty member, staff, or a student as the contact person. Alternatively, you can select a department. This information will display at the bottom of an item’s detail page on the web.

Contact name, email and phone

From the list, select the person or department you would like to be the main contact for your item. This field is required.

Once you choose a contact from the list, the fields below it will be auto-populated. If you do not find who you are looking for in the list, you can manually type their contact information into the name, email, and phone text boxes and they will be permanently added to the contact list.

Filters: Where to Post

All posts need general information in order for the system to know where to display your post. “Where to Post” is used to specify where you would like your event to post within the USD website. This field is required, so at least one option must be selected. Although, multiple options can be selected. Some departments will see additional choices in the list shown below.

The Filters section is school or department specific. If the selection you need is not available, contact web@sandiego.edu to have your account permissions altered.

  • Departmental Highlight – This option won’t apply for most departments. However, if your website utilizes a carousel, the items displayed in it may very likely be controlled by this destination. If you are unsure, you can email mypostings@sandiego.edu to find out. An example of a site that utilizes this destination is the Torero Life website (http://www.sandiego.edu/torerolife).

  • Departmental Home Page – This will allow your post to display in the News/Events modules on your department’s landing/home page. This is one of the two most common choices selected.

  • Departmental News and Events – Select this option if you would like your post on the secondary, archived listing of all of your news/events. This is one of the two most common choices selected. Also choose ‘Departmental Home Page’ as a destination if you want your post to get visibility beyond this listing page.

  • USD News and Events – This will display your post in the central USD News/Events system

  • USD Home Page – This will post your item in the News/Events windows on the USD homepage (http://www.sandiego.edu).

Filters: Targeted Audience

“Targeted Audience” is used to specify the audience groups of the USD community that your post applies to. Some departments will see additional choices in the list shown below

Targeted Audience

The specific area(s) of the USD community your post applies to. If it is a news post or event affecting or inviting everyone, select “Everyone.” In almost all cases, this is the most appropriate.

Filters: Subjects

This filter will allow website viewers to filter news or events listings by the subject, or general topic, of posts. 


The specific subject(s) of your post. The subjects listed are general categories only. Please do not select any if your post doesn’t fit with any of the subjects. You only need to select subjects if you also selected a destination in the section above that contains “USD” in the destination.

Filters: Tags

Tags allow for pre-approved keywords to be added to posts. Clicking in the field and make a selection from the available options. Multiple tags can be used simultaneously.


The description contains the copy of your news or event post. This section of the form also includes other information such as the sponsoring organization(s).

Important note: Please clear any formatting of your news or event item by copying and pasting the text into a program such as Notepad or TextEdit and then copying and pasting the cleared text into the paragraph fields.

Opening Paragraph

You can include a “teaser” or introduction to your item in the “Opening Paragraph.” It is recommended you limit the opening paragraph to one or two sentences. 

The character limit for this field is 21,844 characters. However, this field is meant to be a "teaser" for your post. We recommend you limit it to 140 characters or less. 

Other Paragraphs

The remaining text of your description should be included in the “Other Paragraphs” field. 

The character limit for this field is 21,844 characters.

Pull Quote

You can include a pull quote or testimonial with your post. Please limit to once sentence.

Additional Content Sections

Allows for the addition of content sections to posts.

Selecting the option under Add Additional Sections? for Yes will expand the section. Use the fields that display to add a section title, the order on the page you want it to appear in, and then add the content you want it to display.

Use the Plus or Minus buttons to add or remove more additional content sections.

Web Addresses

You can provide up to four different types of URLs or email addresses with your item.

If you choose to use email addresses instead of URLs, the link generated in a post's detail page in a website for that particular item will open an email compose window when clicked by an end user.

More Info URL/Email

This URL is meant to provide additional information about the post, whether it’s a related article or an additional website with more details.

Registration URL/Email

This URL will provide a means for the intended audience to register. This is used only for events. For websites updated with the functionality of the latest version of MyPostings, adding a registration URL will automatically add a “Register Now” button to this post’s public detail page.


This URL will provide a means for the intended audience to RSVP. This is used only for events. For websites updated with the functionality of the latest version of MyPostings, adding an RSVP URL will automatically add an “RSVP Now” button to this post’s public detail page.

"Custom Button" URL/Email

This URL will provide a means for the intended audience to perform whatever action you need for your post. The button text is customizable but limited to 30 characters including spaces. For websites updated with the functionality of the latest version of MyPostings, adding a custom button text and URL will automatically add an a button to this post’s public detail page.

Webcast URL

This URL will provide a link to users to view the related webcasts for an event. This is used only for events. For websites updated with the functionality of the latest version of MyPostings, adding a Webcast URL will automatically add an “Watch the Webcast” button to this post’s public detail page.


Any post can have an accompanying thumbnail, image, and/or attachment (pdf) for supplementary information or reference. Please crop images before posting and do not place images directly from a digital camera, which can be quite a large file size. If you do not have Photoshop, you can crop your thumbnail or image before uploading using one of the sefree web tool: http://pixlr.com/editor, or http://www.picmonkey.com/

Media Icons

Selecting Yes for either of the two media icon radio fields will add a small icon to the post. Examples are squared in red to the right.


The thumbnail is used on the main news/events pages for the USD News Center and any department news/events pages that have been updated to utilize this new feature.

  • Dimensions of the thumbnail should be 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high (640x480) or 480x640 for portrait images. 

  • Allowable formats include jpeg, jpg, pjpeg, gif, or png.

  • Max size is 1 MB.

  • Thumbnail description (alt) – You must provide a short description of what your thumbnail is a picture of. This is a requirement to meet ADA (accessibility of information) standards.

    • The character limit for this field is 200 characters.


The image is used on an item’s detail page, wherever that item is included throughout the USD website.

  • Dimensions of the image should be no wider than 640 pixels wide. If it is wider, it will automatically be sized down. The height is determinable by you. 

  • Allowable formats include jpeg, jpg, pjpeg, gif, or png.

  • Max size is 1 MB.

  • Image description (alt) – You must provide a short description of what your thumbnail is a picture of. This is a requirement to meet ADA (accessibility of information) standards.

    • The character limit for this field is 200 characters.

Top Story/Hero Image

The image is used on a website's landing page, specifically in the rotating feature area if your site has a hero slider.

  • Dimensions of the image should be no narrower than 2100 pixels wide. If it is wider, it will automatically be sized down, but if it is narrower your image will likely look pixelated in your feature area. The height must be 500 pixels high or your image will become distorted

  • Allowable formats include jpeg, jpg, pjpeg, gif, or png.

  • Max size is 1 MB.

  • Image description – Allows for citation attribution.

  • Image description (alt) – You must provide a short description of what your thumbnail is a picture of. This is a requirement to meet ADA (accessibility of information) standards.

    • The character limit for this field is 200 characters.


You can choose to provide supplementary material for your item by uploading an attachment a PDF attachment..

  • This file must be in pdf format.

  • Max size is 1 MB.


Notes can be included with your post and will not be displayed on the website with your posting. Please address these to the Posting Manager for any special requests or issues. 

Approval Information

This section is for approvers. Select the desired Approver Status to approve or deny the post. If an approver is submitting their own post and wishes to immediately approve it, they can select the Yes (approved) option now.

Submitting Your Form

Once you have completed the form, please click “Submit” at the bottom of the page to send the information you have entered into the posting system. Once your post is successfully submitted you will receive the following confirmation on your screen.

Managing Existing Posts

MyPostings now allows you to edit your own posts. If you made a mistake or need to change a date or any other information in your post, simply log in to http://www.sandiego.edu/mypostings. The choices you see in the left-hand menu depend on your permission level in the MyPostings system. At a minimum, you will see the following three choices. 

You can view and/or edit any non-expired posts you’ve created from this page. They will be displayed in order of date with most recently created first.

The following data is displayed for each post in the list: title, post start date, post end date, approved status, departments, and category. Each post also has buttons for duplicating and editing.

Click the blue pencil icon to the right of your post in the list to get into the edit view.

Posting Form

This link will take you to the MyPostings post creation form outlined in the previous section.


The “Current” link will list all open, non-expired postings you have created.


The “Archive” link will list all expired postings you have created.

Manage Access

If you have the role of an administrator or approver within MyPostings you will see the "Manage Access" link in the navigation. From this area you will be able to manage your department's posters and managers.

Searching for Posts

You can filter the list of posts based on any combination of criteria, listed below. Click on Search for Specific Posts to expand the filter form. Click the Refresh Results button once you have filled out the form. Do not click the enter key on your keyboard. Or use the page numbers to click through the list.

  • title

  • department

  • category of post

  • approval status

Editing a Post

To edit an existing post, simply click the pencil "edit" icon in the row of your post. 

Copying a Post

If you have to create several posts with the same or similar content, simply click the "copy" icon in the row of the post you'd like to copy. All information from the original post is copied into a new record, just edit the details that need to be edited.

For example, if you have a recurring event where the details are always the same and only the day and maybe time are different, just copy the original post and edit the date and time. Then submit and it will get saved as a new/additional post.

Deleting a Post

You can delete a post by going into the edit view of your post, scrolling to the bottom, and then clicking Delete. This will not purge your record from the database, just mark it as deleted. It will no longer show anywhere on the USD website at this point. 

We keep the record in the database in case you ever need to recover your item. If you find yourself in this situation, email mypostings@sandiego.edu with the title of your post and request it to be restored.

Approval Process

Please also note that your item may not necessarily be posted to the place(s) you request. For example, you may request that something be posted to the USD home page. There are a total of four news and events items available for posting to the USD home page and staffing in University Relations will select which items will be queued for and displayed on the main page. We will work with the poster to find alternative destinations, such as the departmental home page and vice versa.

If you update a previously approved post, University Communications (UC) will need to re-approve it for the changes to be reflected on your website. The original version of your post will stay up on your website during this review process. Once UC marks it as approved the new version will replace the old version on your website. 

USD In the News

NOTE: this content is managed by University Communications. All other departments can disregard.

In the News is now powered through MyPostings and has replaced the home-grown In the News system. To post an item as In the News make the following selections in MyPostings:

  • Category: News

  • Department Website(s): University Communications

  • Filters → Where to Post: USD: In the News (admin only)

  • Opening Paragraph: This gets used as the introductory text in the USD Torero Weekly e-mail digest (Digital Comm. and Institutional Marketing should use this field)

  • Other Paragraphs: This gets used as the text shown on the In the News web page within the USD News Center (Digital and Media Communications should use this field)

Complete the rest of the post and once the Approval Status is set to Yes (approved) the post will display as expected on the In the News page.

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