Student Organizations

Student Organizations

User Front-End Overview

Student organizations are communities for meeting people, exploring different areas of USD, and getting involved in the community. Each listing in the Student Organizations system has the following components:

  • Organization name

  • Content description

  • Link to the organization's web page

  • The name and email for the organization's point of contact

The front-end of these databases can be found by users at:

School of Law - https://www.sandiego.edu/law/student-life/student-organizations/.

School of Leadership and Education Sciences - https://www.sandiego.edu/soles/student-life/student-organizations/.

Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering - https://www.sandiego.edu/engineering/resources/student-organizations.php.

Hahn School of Nursing - https://www.sandiego.edu/nursing/student-resources/organizations.php.

The images to the right depict the front-ends.

Management Back-End

To add or edit entries to the law database, go to https://www.sandiego.edu/manage/student-organizations/law/.

To add or edit entries to the SOLES database, go to https://www.sandiego.edu/manage/student-organizations/soles/.

To add or edit entries to the Engineering database, go to https://www.sandiego.edu/manage/student-organizations/engineering/.

To add or edit entries to the Nursing database, go to https://www.sandiego.edu/manage/student-organizations/nursing/.

Log in using your USDOne username and password.

Adding an Organization

  • Click the Add + button to add an organization.

  • Enter a name into the Organization Name field.

  • Click the Create button.

The rest of creating an organization is identical to editing a currently existing entry for an organization.

Begin Editing an Organization

Click on the notepad icon to the right of an entry to modify that entry.

Filter by Name

Entries on the Student Organizations database can be filtered by name or active status.

To filter by name, use the Filter by name field. Type search criteria into the field and press Enter.

The list will be limited by the search criteria, displaying entries which only include the criteria.

Filter by Active Status

Rather than deleting, an entry can be set to inactive which will hide it from displaying on the live site.

To filter by active status, click on the Active dropdown and select Yes for currently active organizations, No for currently inactive organizations, or All to display all organizations regardless of their active status.

Deleting an Entry

To permanently remove an entry from the system, click the rubbish bin icon to the right of the entry.

Editing an Organization

Click on the notepad icon to the right of an entry to modify that entry.

Form Fields

The Student Organizations form has the following fields:

Active: Sets the current entry to active or inactive. Inactive entries are not displayed on the live site, but their data is still saved in the system.

Organization name: The name of the organization.

Content: The organization's description. May include links. The system uses a text module very similar to Cascade's.

Office: The organization's office location.

Web pages: A link to the organization's web page.

Organization Contact(s): The name of the group and the name, position and email for the contact for the organization. Click on "+" to add addition contacts to this group.

Create group: Click on this link to add an additional group of contacts.  NOTE: This is not available for law organizations.

Activity Log: A change log which details the most recent changes, the user that made them, and what was changed.

Saving and Publishing Changes

Click the Update button to save and published changes to the live website.

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