Creating a New Folder

Creating a New Folder

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Creating a New Folder

To create a new folder, click New in the Utility Bar, then select Default > Folder.


The Workspace will display a new window with options to select.

  • System Name – Name of the folder. Do not use spaces, special characters, or uppercase letters. If the folder name is more than one word, separate the words with hyphens (e.g. torero-club-events).
  • Parent Folder – The default setting creates the new folder under the Base Folder root. To make the new folder a child, click the [ / ] icon to open a search bar or click the Magnifying Glass to open a window and select the desired parent folder. 
  • Title – Displays text in the navigation menu if Display in Navigation is set to Yes.
  • Display in Navigation – Select Yes to show the folder in the navigation menu.
  • Navigation Title (optional) – By default the navigation text will use the regular Title text. Fill in this field to create navigation link text different from your main page heading text. 


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