Human Resources

Human Resources

Getting Started

Visit the MyPostings training materials for complete MyPostings documentation.

Here is a list of MyPostings IDs you can use to pull specific posts into your Human Resources (HR) web pages.

Everything documented below is supplementary to the original MyPostings documentation, and is specific to MyPostings form choices for HR.

All posts have to clear content review by the respective approver associated with the school and/or departments selected as destinations.


You can choose more than one department if you'd like your post to appear, for example, on other websites in addition to CEE websites. Click on the "+" button to add multiple departments.

The following departments relate to the HR websites specifically:

  • Human Resources

NOTE: All other previously used departments should now be specified with the "Destinations" below.


HR has specific filters for posting location, audience, and subjects. Please select all applicable filters for your specific post.

All filters below work in combination with the selected department within HR.

Filters: Where to Post (Destination)

Where to Post determines which locations (i.e. web page(s) or email newsletter) your post will display on. 

So, which filters do you choose to get your post to show in certain locations?

General Filters





Benefits (currently not being used)

HR: Benefits

Employee Recognition

HR: Employee Recognition

Learning and Development

HR: Learning and Development

Wellness (currently not being used)

HR: Wellness

Filters: Audience

You will notice a list of available target audiences. By default, "Everyone" is pre-selected. It does not matter whether or not this audience is checked.

  • All Students

  • Alumni

  • Business

  • Everyone

  • Faculty

  • Graduate Students

  • Military / Veterans

  • Prospective Students

  • Undergraduate Students

Note: Marking a post as important to a specific audience does NOT prevent any other audiences from seeing the post (i.e., this does not "hide" anything).

Filters: Subjects

HR does not use the subjects filters.

Approval Information

If you'd like University Communications to add your post to any destinations marked "approvers only", please leave her a note in the Approval Notes field.

For any questions or issues about MyPostings, please contact University Communications at mypostings@sandiego.edu for assistance.

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