How to Upload Images

How to Upload Images

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How to Upload Images into Cascade

STEP 1: Click the Add Content Button

Once you have the document saved to your computer, click the Add Content button in the Utility Bar.

STEP 2: Select "Image" Option

Select the option for Image to create a new image asset. If you work for a school, you may have to navigate sub-folders for your department to find the correct template option.

Example: biologyimage

Result: The Workspace displays a new-image asset.

STEP 3: Click "Choose" to Attach the Image

Click anywhere in the large area with the text that read Drag a file here or choose one from your computer.

Result: Your computer's file navigator will display.

STEP 4: Select the Image

Navigate to and select your document. Depending on your computer's operating system, your file navigator may look very different.

Result: Your new-image asset page will have automatically changed the File Name to match the attached file. The bottom of the page will now display the source file name and size of the file.

STEP 5: Specify the File Name Correctly

Change the Cascade File Name to name the new asset correctly. Make sure to follow the correct Naming Conventions. No capital letters, hyphens instead of spaces (NOT underscores), no special characters (e.g. apostrophes, ampersands, accent marks, etc.), and the only punctuation should be the period for the file suffix.

After the previous step of attaching the document, the File Name will have appended the correct file suffix (e.g. .jpg, .png, .JPEG, etc.). Do NOT remove the file suffix. Cascade needs to know what type of file is being uploaded. When changing the File Name, make sure to retain the correct file suffix.

Changing the Cascade File Name will NOT affect the file on your computer.

STEP 6: Select the Correct Placement Folder

For most users, the correct location should be selected by default. However, it is best to confirm exactly where the new asset will be created.

Click the Placement Folder button and use the Slider Pane to select the folder to place the new asset.

Result: The selected file path will display under the Placement Folder.

STEP 7: Make Any Image Modifications

If necessary, you can make alterations to the image. Use the icons in the Image Modifier to flip, invert, rotate, or resize the image.

STEP 8: Title & Display in Navigation

Image assets do not contain titles or Display in Navigation options.

STEP 9: 1MB Memory Size Limit

If the attached file exceeds 1MB, the asset will not create. See instructions on how to Compress Files. If that still can't get the file small enough, see how to get access to Catcher, the Large File Server.

STEP 10: Click Save & Preview

Click the blue Save & Preview button.

Result: The Workspace displays a preview of the new asset.

Caution! The asset is still not created. Follow the final steps to make sure it is uploaded correctly.

STEP 11: Submit

If everything looks correct, click the blue Submit button.

STEP 12: Check Content & Submit

Select the option for Check Content & Submit.

STEP 13: Check Content

This will run you through the Check Content Process. Make any necessary spelling or accessibility changes, or add any necessary comments for the web team.

STEP 14: Start Workflow

Once everything is correct, click the blue Start Workflow button. Unlike other edits that require a Workflow to go through Content Review and/or Technical Review, an uploaded image will automatically complete the Workflow process.

STEP 15: Confirmation

Once the asset clears Workflow, you'll see it display as an asset in the Explorer. Selecting it will make it display in the Workspace.

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