How to Select Your Site
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How to Select Your Site
If the loading icon is present, then the Site Selector has not fully loaded yet. See the accompanying screenshot for what the loading icon looks like. It takes a moment for the Site Selector to finish fully loading. Errant results may occur if you begin typing before loading is complete. The Site Selector works as a filter. Once you begin typing in a site name, it immediately begins to filter the list of options based on the criteria you type in. In this example, the training site is being used. Type in whichever site you're attempting to reach instead. Once the desired site is displayed, click it to select. Once the site is selected, the entire browser will reload. The selected site name should appear in the Site Selector, and it should be visible as the top-level parent folder near the top of the Explorer.Step 2: Wait for the Site Selector to Load
Step 3: Type Site Name
Step 4: Select Site
Step 5: The Site Displays