Faculty Scholarship Deposit Form for Faculty

Faculty Scholarship Deposit Form for Faculty

User Front-End Overview

The front end of the Faculty Scholarship database (FSD) can be found at:

The image to the right depicts an example of the front-end.

Technical Support Contacts

If you need help understanding any of the fields of the form after reading this documentation, or have any questions about how scholarship are displayed on the public websites, please contact your appropriate administrative representative, listed below per school.

If you experience any technical issues or bugs with the form, please fill out a web request at www.sandiego.edu/web-request. This form is maintained by Information Technology Services, Web Services team.

Overview of Faculty Scholarship Deposit Form

Faculty can submit scholarship data for journal articles only. When a submission is made, it requires the appropriate administrator of their respective school to approve it before it goes live. 

Any faculty, staff, or admin can log into the faculty form to submit scholarship at:

Log in using your USDOne username and password.

Adding a New Scholarship

Select the correct options from the following dropdown menus. The selection for publication type alters other available fields:

  • Faculty Name

  • Publication Type: Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Title: Title of the specific article or feature.

Abstract: Type or paste in the abstract.

Attach the full version of this work as a PDF or Word document: Click on Choose button and attach the full article in either PDF or Word format.

Has an earlier version of this work been posted to SSRN? Click the checkbox if it has already been posted to the SSRN system.

Status of article publication: Click on the dropdown and choose one of the following:

  • Working Paper

  • Accepted/Forthcoming Paper

  • Published Paper

Media/Journal Title: Click the dropdown and select a title. Leave black if not applicable. NOTE: If you do not see the media/journal title in the dropdown, please add to the Notes field at the bottom of this form.

Volume: Enter a volume number of journal items. Must be numeric only. Leave blank if not applicable.

Page Number: Leave blank if not applicable.

Year: Year of publication.

Month: Publication month.

Day: Publication day.

Co-author(s): Enter the last names of up to 4 co-authors.

Recommended Keywords (used for searching) (optional): Enter keywords or phrases, separated by commas, if applicable.

Classification Code(s) (optional): Enter classification codes, separated by commas if applicable. View the codes at: JEL Classification Codes)

Notes: Enter any additional information in this field, such as a Media/Journal Title that is not included in the dropdown. Do not include parenthesis.

LSN Subject(s) (optional): Enter LSN subject codes, separated by commas if applicable. View the codes at: LSN Subject Codes.

Author Deposit Agreement: Review the deposit agreement and check one of the appropriate options:

  • Yes, I agree to the Author Deposit Agreement

  • No, I do not agree. Please place only the abstract in SSRN

  • I do not retain copyright or have granted an exclusive license to another party

Copyright Owner: Enter the name, email, and phone number of copyright owner or licensee.

Click on Submit. 

Post-Submission Notifications

Once submitted, the following notifications take place:

  • For the School of Law

    • Email is sent to LRC for deposit into the Institutional Repository (IR). The LRC can download any submitted attachments at http://www.sandiego.edu/law/forms/faculty/faculty-scholarship.php (NOTE only certain staff in the LRC have access to view this page).

    • Email sent to External Relations for approval by the Assistant Director of Communications, then displays on the public School of Law website once approved.

Using the Scholarship Report Tool

Use the reporting tool to generate a specific list of scholarship based on publication type, scholarship in premiere publications, and date range. You can update the filter and refresh the results, display the results a paragraph or bullet format, as well as download results in a csv file format.

You can find the report tool at:

Log in using your USDOne username and password.

Filtering Scholarship Publications

Publication type: Check any of the publication types you want to display. To display all publications, check All.

Show Only Scholarship in/by Premiere Publications: Check box to return only scholarship in premiere publications.

Year range (YYYY): You can choose between a calendar or academic year, or enter a specific starting and ending year range. Leave the years blank if you want all years returned.

Displaying Results

Choose a Display Format: Choose to display the results in a paragraph or bullet format.

Click Refresh Results to see your filtered results.

Downloading Results

Download your result set into as a csv file by clicking Download Results.