MyPostings Modules

MyPostings Modules

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MyPostings Modules

A MyPostings module pulls news or events from the on-campus news events system, MyPostings. The only items that will be pulled into the module are items associated with your department in the system. When your site was transitioned into this new 2015 design, a web developer associated your site with MyPostings. But if you feel at any time that your MyPostings modules are pulling the wrong items, please contact web@sandiego.edu to have the issue resolved.

Click the following options to view examples of pages displaying the listed content.

A MyPostings module has the following fields:

The News option is used to display combinations of images and text.

The option for Show Thumbnails but be set to Yes in order to display associated images.


Events display text-heavy information panels organized by date.


Spotlight highlights features with an emphasis on an image or video and a small amount of text.