Workflow Approval Process

Workflow Approval Process

Table of Contents

Workflow Approval Process (WAP!)

This process is for Content Reviewers and Technical Reviewers.

STEP 1: Assign Workflow to Yourself

Click the Assign this step to me button.

STEP 2: View the Workflow

Click on the Workflow to view it. Alternatively, you can right-click on it to bring up the Shortcut Menu, then select the option for View.

STEP 3: Notice the Glory

Once viewing the Workflow, notice the styling notifications that let you know it's a Workflow and not a regular asset.

STEP 4: Compare with Current

Click the More button, then select Compare with Current.

STEP 5: After Review → Return to Workflow

Now is the time to review the edits made to the page. Edits highlighted in green are additions, those highlighted in purple are alterations (including changes to links), and highlights in red are changes where something was removed.

Once your review is complete, click the Workflow Link.

STEP 6: Approve, Edit, or Assign Additional Modifications

Select the required action by clicking on the appropriate link.

STEP 7: Comment

Add a comment to the Comment Window if necessary. Otherwise (or once the comment is complete), click the Submit Comment button.

STEP 8: Admire the Completion of Your Efforts

A notification acknowledges the epic glory of your work.

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