Cascade Eccentricities

Cascade Eccentricities

Table of Contents

Cascade Eccentricities

  1. You can simultaneously take asset actions with two separate assets. One with the Action Bar, and another with the Shortcut Menu.

  2. Once an asset is locked into Workflow, you cannot edit it if you navigate to it normally, even if you were the one that submitted it to Workflow. You have to go to the Workflow itself to begin editing it.

  3. Reordering the navigation does not necessitate the creation of a Workflow, but it does require a publish. This happens daily at midnight. 

  4. Any data saved in a Module will remain in that Module field, even if that Module is changed to a different Module.

  5. Table "handles" cannot be manually dragged without breaking dynamic formatting. Dynamic formatting is what allows for Responsive Design (i.e. the "magic" that allows for our websites to look good and work properly on both mobile and desktop devices).

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