Carousel Modules

Carousel Modules

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Carousel Modules

Carousel modules can display either images or videos.

Carousel modules must have at least two items, but there is no max limit to the number of items that can be added.

Use the green plus sign to add additional carousel items. Use the gray up and down arrows to reorder items. Use the red X symbol to remove a carousel item.

Click here for an example of an Carousel Module.

A carousel module has the following fields:

Carousel Title
This is the title of the carousel, usually 4 words or less. In the example screenshot (the second one down on the right), the Carousel Title is "Even Column, Column One"

Image Source
Make sure to upload your image before creating your carousel items.

Image Description (alt)
This describes the subject matter of your image. It is the image alt (alternate) text for accessibility.

Image Title
This is the title of an individual carousel item, usually 6 words or less. In the example screenshot (the second one down on the right), the Image Title is "Going for a Car Ride" and "The Cone of Shame"

Image Caption
A sentence that displays under the image. It can describe the subject matter of the image or provide context about the particular carousel item.

Internal URL
Browse to a page internal in Cascade if you want your carousel item to link out to a web page. If you use this field, do not use External URL.

External URL
Use this field when you want your carousel to link to either a page external to Cascade or to a video. Be sure to use the full URL. If you use this field, do not use Internal URL.

Is this a video URL? 
Make sure to toggle this to Yes if your external URL is to a video. This will tell the browser to add a play button on top of your image, as well as open your video in a lightbox when clicked. This should only be used when including an External URL. If it is an external video, then only the Embed URL from the Embed Code can be used in this field. See the entry for Videos to learn more about how embed codes work.

If the option for Is this a video URL is marked as Yes, then this modifies the color of the play icon that overlays the image on the page. Options for White, Gray (medium), Gray (dark), and Black can be selected to provide greater contrast with the still image.

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